Michael in focus
Living with moderate to severe RA
Michael in focus
Living with moderate to severe RA
Find out what it meant for Stephanie to experience some relief from her UC symptoms
See more of Stephanie’s story
Living with moderate to severe UC
See how finding a treatment that works for him has made a difference for Michael
Hear more of Michael’s story
Living with moderate to severe RA
Learn about benefits and serious side effects of XELJANZ
Meet Stephanie
Living with moderate to severe UC
When you feel better, you want to share that with the ones you love and your family.
- Alison
Learn more about Alison
Living with moderate to severe RA
Learn about benefits and serious side effects of XELJANZ
Hear more about the symptom relief Ronda experienced with XELJANZ
Hear more of Ronda’s story
Living with moderate to severe RA